Thursday, September 22, 2011

La Roche Posay Hydraphase Intense Eyes Review

The texture of this eye product is neither a cream, and not a gel, but for review purposes I'll call it a cream just so it's easier. :)

I was looking for an eye cream that will hydrate really well, since I tend to have dry skin, and I recently noticed a few baby wrinkles under eye which I was very unimpressed by, so decided to see if I can do something about them or even prevent new ones for a while. 

I was told straight away by the sales assistant, that the little wrinkles that are appearing under my eyes are from dehydration, so off she went and introduced me to this non-cream and non-gel eye product! 

I was very quick to say that this might not be enough for me, since I already have dry skin on top of my "dehydrated eye area", but I was reassured that this will hydrate well, is anti-pufiness and will do wonders for my eyes. :)

I had my doubts of course, but I went off to give it a go and see what happens. So, I got home, took my makeup off, and opened the eye cream to find the consistency I was on about above, but very surprisingly once on, it felt refreshing, even cooling and............ very moisturising!!!!!!! Amazing how such consistency could be moisturising but it was, and on top of all that if felt seriously soothing. I am hooked, instantaneously. :)

I must say the packaging is great. I love it when they put stuff like this in squeezy type tubes for hygiene purposes, and squeezing the mother out of it when it's nearly gone, but you don't really want to part with it just yet!

On opening the cardboard box you find the above instruction in a few different languages, I only bothered taking a picture of the English version. Apparently, this is the correct way of applying eye creams, and this instruction is very clear explaining how it must be done. And as the case is with most things, less is more, especially around the eye area. I read in some article how plastic surgeons find a huge amount of these fatty-like deposits when doing an eye job on most women. These pockets of fat are the eye creams we use over the years, and in excess which is not needed. The eye area is so fine, that it only needs a very small amount, so when we use too much of it, it is getting absorbed, but not used. Sick really thinking about it, so since then I'm extra careful. And because of this, most of my eye creams are way past the little 6 month jar thing, because I use so little of them. I really wouldn't mind if companies thought about this, and halved the size of them, and slashed the prices too.

Disclaimer: I'd like to mention that I have purchased this product myself, have given my own honest opinion, and am not affiliated with the company. 


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