Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Perfect 10 Instant Lashes Individual Lashes Review

I picked up these cluster lashes for a fiver in a chemist. They looked really good quality, and for such a low price you can't go wrong.

Instructions say that you should pick them up with tweezers when applying, but I fount out pretty soon, that this method bends the lashes half way, so they look really weird when they're on. And so I find the best method is to pick them up with your fingers gently, dump them in a bit of glue that's included and rest them on your own lashes, close to the root. Once the glue settles, they last for a good few days, but I usually remove them with the supplied remover before going in to wash my hair, and I know that water will get into my eyes.

Once the glue settles, lashes last for a good few days, but I usually remove them with the supplied remover before going in to wash my hair, and I know that water will get into my eyes. 

Removal was surprisingly quick and easy, I put a cotton pad on my lower lash line, close my eye, wet a cotton bud in the remover, and dab at the lashes, and they quickly slide away from my own lashes.

Overall, I highly recommend you give these a go if you come across them, and want to wear them on a special occasion, or just to have a break from mascara for a few days.

Disclaimer: I'd like to mention that I have purchased this product myself, have given my own honest opinion, and am not affiliated with the company. 


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