Monday, July 18, 2011

Christian Dior DiorShow Maximizer Lash Plumping Serum and Primer

I was getting my makeup done in Dior in Debenhams, and as per usual I was thinking that I'll be left with my tiny lashes made into little spiders' legs, as the case was whenever I got my makeup done anywhere, since they never pay attention to my lashes which need a bit of TLC.

So, here I am sitting in front of that mirror, and expecting the worst, till the girl pulls out a white wand, dips it into their primer, and I am left with these huge  white lashes, and I could not believe it! She then used one of their mascaras, which I never had any luck with anyway, but bought the primer since I was so impressed with it.

In the past I have used several primers from Lancome, Urban Decay, Clinique, etc, so I did have an idea of what they do, but never expected that I could reach such length, curl and volume like I do with this primer.

This primer is meant to be great as a conditioner/treatment for growing lashes, and for strengthening them. I however, have not used this at night, I only ever use it before my mascara. So far, I have used this for a good few months now, and can't really say that I noticed much growth from this. 

This primer works great under any mascara, be it low-end or high-end, and gives amazing lashes every time.

A combination of the fabulous brush plus the formula of this primer is what gives my lashes such great results every time.

Disclaimer: I'd like to mention that I have purchased this product myself, have given my own honest opinion, and am not affiliated with the company. 


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