Wednesday, July 6, 2011

MAC Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation Review

There was a time in my life when I was addicted to this foundation powder and wouldn't use anything else until it dried out my skin even more, and I had to move to something more hydrating. 

At the time I loved how easy and fast it was to apply my foundation. There is no fuss with this foundation, you can use it with or without a primer and it would still last just as long, and look just as flawless every time. On top of that, I never had to set it with a finishing powder.

NC30 was the perfect colour match for me, even though I'd be an NC25 in Mac's liquid foundations.

What I didn't like about this, was how little powder is in the packaging and how fast I would run out of it. One of these compacts wouldn't even last me a month and I'd be scraping the sides of it. Running out of this foundation so quick was great for the Back2Mac Scheme, however, the expense of using this, as well as the drying effect it had on my complexion led me to move on to liquid foundations, until I discovered minerals.

Overall, I would not recommend this foundation for combination/dry skin. It may be more suitable for those with oily skin.

Disclaimer: I'd like to mention that I have purchased this product myself, have given my own honest opinion, and am not affiliated with the company.


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